Dear Readers,
Caux Initiatives for Business would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very purposeful and joyous 2015. It is a joy to bring to you our updates on the first day of this New Year and we hope that it will make for interesting reading.
We are pleased to announce to you the launch of our new website – one that we hope will not only be comprehensively informative but also interactive.
The Japanese delegation that had attended the Indo-Japan Business Workshop in November – a summary report of which was shared with you in our last Newsletter – also visited several companies and NGO’s in Mumbai and Pune as part of a planned field trip. In this issue, we have tried to briefly capture some of those experiences.
The Inaugural report of the Jamshedpur Chapter meeting and the second meeting of the Bangalore Chapter also make up the contents of this issue. Diverse as they are in approach we believe you would enjoy reading the perspective of each on the issue of ethics and yet how inevitably they always find common ground.
A colleague remarked in a conversation with another, “The basic acceptable notion of the purpose of business still does not have universal buy in.” He then queried, “How do we change that?” May this year be a step closer to achieve this.
Mrs. Ishika Banerjee
For full magazine, continue reading>> CIB on Wings – January 2015